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Showing posts from May, 2013

10 reasons Windows 8 will be painful for developers

73 By   Justin James October 24, 2012, 12:00 AM PDT Takeaway:  If you plan to develop Windows 8 native apps, be prepared for some hurdles. Justin James looks at some of the biggest problems you’re likely to face. Ever since the release of the Windows 8 Developer Preview, people have had a lot to say about the experience of playing with the new OS. But few folks are talking about the changes it represents for developers. Windows 8 is the biggest update to the Windows development model since the move from Windows 3.X to Windows 95. While there are lots of good things, there are also a lot of pain points. If you are looking to develop  Windows 8 native applications  with the new UI and WinRT API, be careful of these 10 things. Editor’s note: This is an update of the original post, which published in December. 1: Market reboot If you want your applications to be fully compatible with Windows 8 (including running on ARM CPUs), you’ll need to do a ful...

Set Apache Password Protected Directories With .htaccess File

Q. How do I protecting a directory in Apache on linux? A. There are many ways you can password protect directories under Apache web server. This is important to keep your file privates from both unauthorized users and search engines (when you do not want to get your data indexed). Here you will see the basics of password protecting a directory on your server. You can use any one of the following method: Putting authentication directives in a <Directory> section, in your main server configuration httpd.conf file, is the preferred way to implement this kind of authentication. If you do not have access to Apache httpd.conf file (for example shared hosting) then with the help of file called .htaccess you can create password protect directories. .htaccess file provide a way to make configuration changes on a per-directory basis. In order to create apache password protected directories you need: Password file And Directory name which you would like to password protect (/v...


Python is an easy to learn and powerful programming language, with a comprehensive standard library that provides functions and interfaces for almost any task. It is object-oriented, extensible and interpreter-based, which means it scales well to all types of projects, from small scripts to extensive code bases. Its elegant syntax allows writing code that is extremely readable and concise.

QML for ubuntu mobile

QML at the heart of a set of technologies to bring the Ubuntu experience to mobile devices. QML is an a powerful JavaScript-based declarative language for designing intuitive, natural and responsive user interfaces. Marrying stunning design with a high-performing framework, the sky's the limit. Howto get the Ubuntu SDK preview With the latest ubuntu 13.04 :  sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-sdk-team/ppa && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-sdk

The Science in Computer Science

Communications of the ACM, Vol. 56, No. 5, May 2013 Peter J. Denning, editor-in-chief of Ubiquity, makes the case that computer science is indeed a “science” and that it is fundamentally distinct from any of the STEM fields. As Denning points out, how we define “computer science” matters for educators, researchers and practitioners. When it comes to education, for example, viewing computer science as a “science” will elevate it in any discussion of funding priorities for building a competitive IT workforce. When it comes to the workplace itself, it means that computer scientists will be seen as genuine collaborators with reliable predictive models and valuable analytic tools, rather than just as professional coders. Denning points out that two external factors – the rise of computational science and the discovery of natural information processes - have spawned a science renaissance in computing. Experimental methods have regained their stature because they are the only way to un...