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Showing posts from 2017

How to create RESTful API usig Node for processing HTTP requests.

Node.js® is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine . Node.js uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and efficient. Node.js' package ecosystem, npm , is the largest ecosystem of open source libraries. Follow : Create RestFul API node.js and mysql :

MySQL multiple instances on Ubuntu

Assumptions OS: Ubuntu 16.x edition – up to date Already has MySQL installed that comes default – you can easily install LAMP MySQL Server version: > 5.5 You have OS root privileges Default MySQL is running on port 3306 What will we do Set up 1 more MySQL instances on ports 3407 Each instance will have their own config files, data directories and log directories Stopping default MySQL instance sudo service mysql stop sudo ps -A | grep mysql Creating data directories MySQL cannot share data directories, so we need to set up new ones default basedir = /usr , this can be shared across instances default instance port = 3306 and data dir = /var/lib/mysql new instance        port = 3408 and data dir = /var/lib/mysql3408 MySQL must own data dirs we need to set rules in apparmor to let  MySQL  access the new dirs sudo mkdir /var/lib/mysql3408 sudo chown -R mysql /var/lib/mysql3408 Creating log directories create separate log dirs...

Setting up MySQL SSL and secure connections

There are different articles on how to setup MySQL with SSL but it’s sometimes difficult to end up with a good simple one. Usually, setting up MySQL SSL is not really a smooth process due to such factors like “it’s not your day”, something is broken apparently or the documentation lies... Read this article : Setting up MySQL SSL and secure connections Pre-requisite : Creating SSL Certificates and Keys Using openssl